07/17/2018 Horizontal Stabilizer – Deburred Edges (1 Hour)
I deburred the edges of the spars and skin today. Deburring spars is pretty easy with the bench grinder. But
Read moreI deburred the edges of the spars and skin today. Deburring spars is pretty easy with the bench grinder. But
Read moreI completed the dimpling step today by finishing dimpling all the ribs’s flanges. I went on to complete a task
Read moreFirst I finished deburring the holes on the skins. Then I started dimpling the holes on those skins. The horizontal
Read moreFirst day of the “tedious” process of preparing for priming and final assembly. I deburred holes for most of the
Read moreI revisited the first section of the horizontal stabilizer today and riveted the elevator hinge bearing and brackets together, and
Read moreWith the skins all drilled it’s getting close to deburring and dimpling time, so finally I have to remove the
Read moreNothing special, just match drilling the skin onto the skeleton today.
Read moreBefore drilling the skin onto the skeleton, because of the spar relief hole cracking service bulletin I need to remove
Read moreToday I continue working on the right horizontal stabilizer. It’s essentially another day of repeating what I have done on
Read moreToday I disassembled the left half of the horizontal stabilizer and started on the right half. I put the skeleton
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