05/28/2018 Horizontal Stabilizer – Rear Spars and Reinforcement Bars (3 Hours)

I started building today. The first task is fitting two reinforcement bars into the rear spars of the horizontal stabilizer. It is basically removing some material at the edge of the bars so that the bars can lay inside the spar with no gap. I used bench grinder with Scotch Brite wheel for the majority of the work.

For some reason one of the reinforcement bar fits reasonably well after only a few rounds on the bench grinder, but the other one required rounds and rounds of sanding. I think I had probably spent 3 times longer on the second reinforcement bar than the first one. Once I completed the first task of fitting the reinforcement bars with no gap, I not only rounded other edges of the reinforcement bars, I also deburred the edges of the rear spars. Then I clecoed them together for drilling next time.